Wednesday, March 27, 2013

J. D. Salinger: A Perfect Day for Bananafish

When first reading the title of the story "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" I was quite interested in wanting to know what it was about. As I read the story it seemed pretty interesting and good, but it was a little weird. I wonder what the author was thinking when he wrote it, because its very different. I also wonder more about why the mom is very concerned about Muriel Glass' husband. I feel as though the relationship between Muriel and her husband is very strange and weird. It is also ironic how the little girl on the beach happened to say she saw a bananafish, when it was made up by Seymour beforehand. The ending of the story is strange in the fact that he killed himself; I think the whole story in general was strange and different but that's just my opinion. But to some up my opinion I really did like this story; it kept me reading and wanting to know what happened next. Both the husband and wife were a bit strange and especially when the husband got mad at that lady in the elevator for looking at his feel; that was weird. Makes you wonder if something is wrong with his feet.

1 comment:

  1. Iam very curious also if the fact that the ladie looked at his feet had something to do with him shooting himself at the end, or did he planned it all along or why that specific day? Also if the banana fish related to him in any way, maybe how he felt psychologically.
    I liked the story it, the suspense the author created kept me reading.
